Dave & Shelby's Music

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thanks Giving Point Fair

The Thanks Giving fair was only 93 cents on friday and saturday so we decided that since we have only been in the house and the hospital we should get out. It was so nice to spend some time with the girls and Dave. The poor girls probably feel like they will never have their mom back. Normally it is 10 dollars a person so we had to go. The girls had so much fun that we went the next night. Dave had a meeting so I went with the girls. We had so much fun and ran into so many of our friends. I Love the fall. Everything seems so cozy.


Rain or Shine Soccer.com said...

so many cute pics. i love boss. he is so adorable. glad i got to talk to you today!

Rain or Shine Soccer.com said...

by the way this is Jen. i didn't know kev was logged in:)haha!

Matt and Jamie said...

We almost went that night too! We should have because we miss seeing you guys!

Cottam Family said...

Shelby! It's your cousin Shelley. I just set up a blog and I came across yours and I wanted to say hi, and let you know that we've been praying for you and your little Boston. He is so adorable and we hope that the little guy can come home soon!

Kes said...

hey Shelby! i got your blog from melanie who works with me at the Dr. office. she has been keeping me up to date with baby boston but didn't know the latest so through her daughter i found your blog and it's so cute.

i hope that you're able to bring boston home SOON! hope your family is doing well. hopefully we'll see you at the christmas party (since i told your mom she HAS to have it :-))


Anonymous said...

Hey Shelby! It's been awhile since I've checked up on you guys. Your blog always brings tears to my eyes. Its so amazing to watch over the course of the last few months how many angels are watching over your family. You guys are truly blessed and such a great example. Your children are just beautiful!! Keep us updated with little Boston's progress!

Jackson Family said...

Well, I just got done reading about ten of your last posts. I am in tears. I can't believe what you've all been thru! I am so proud of you guys. I just can't believe it! I am 24 weeks pregnant and we are having a girl this time. I guess since I am prego I am Extra emotional, but your story is so amazing. What a miracle! You've been in our prayers and I am so happy to learn about Boston and your little family. We miss you and please let us know if you need anything.
email me your email address so I can add you to our blog. taramjackson@yahoo.com

Wilder Family said...

Hey Shelby..its Jenny (Hawke) Wilder. I just happened to stumble across your blog, and just wanted to say I hope your little Boston guy is doing good and gets to come home soon! I can't believe all that you and the that little one have been through. Maybe one of these days we will get to catch up when we are in Utah again. Keep in touch and take care. Our blog is wilderfam.blogspot.com

Ash said...

Shelb your girls are darling. How is little Boss. I am so glad he is home with you now. I need to bring your gift by. I love ya shelb. Let me know if you need anything k. Let's play soon.

Heidi said...

I love that picture on the big chair! Glad Boston is home now. Hope everything is going good!

tiff and chris johnson said...

Oh my gosh Shelby Boston looks so big in these pictures! He's filling out so much and looking cuter and cuter every day! I need to spend more time with him-when do I get to babysit!?!? Love you! xoxo

RCA said...
